Ofsted and Performance Data
St Peter & St Paul CE Academy continues to be graded 'Good' by Ofsted
The school was inspected in March 2023, with pupil behaviour described as ‘exemplary’.
Report highlights include:
‘Pupils at this school are polite and respectful. They show good manners as they go about their school day. They describe the school as a very positive environment. They say it is one in which they feel safe and happy.’
‘Pupils develop a thirst for learning. They come to school excited about the new things they will learn. There are ample opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests.’
‘Pupils are kind to each other and accepting. They know that derogatory language or bullying is not acceptable. Staff are sharp to deal with these rare incidents, if and when they occur.’
‘Teachers have very high expectations of pupils.'
‘The overwhelming majority of parents and carers hold positive views about their children’s experiences at the school.’
‘Teachers help pupils develop to be resilient in their setbacks. As a result, pupils will often say ‘it is not I can't, but it is I can't yet'.’
'Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) study the full curriculum. Leaders are diligent in identifying pupils’ needs and ensuring that teachers support all pupils to overcome any barriers to learning.'