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0116 2607577 ParentPay

‘All things are possible for those
who believe.' (Mark 9:23)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Vision and Values

As a Church school, we strive to provide an education of the highest quality, based on the values of respect, honesty and perseverance.


Respect - ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’  (Matthew 7:12)

Honesty - ‘Be kind and honest, others will respect you and treat you fairly.’  (Proverbs 21:21)

Perseverance - ‘Stand firm and you will succeed.’  (Luke 21:19)


Our pupils will be equipped with a body of knowledge, embedded with Christian values, which instils a culture of resilience, enables them to flourish and inspires them to reach for their hopes and aspirations.


Our school vision verse, ‘All things are possible for those who believe,’ comes from Mark 9:23. In this verse, doubt is the barrier to success and, with confidence and belief, this is overcome.

At St Peter and St Paul, we aim to instil confidence and belief within our children and staff so that they can achieve great things and experience the fullness of life.
